Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thank god for snow day.

I just found out we have another snow day tomorrow. So I am staying up late taking care of my class stuff. I having a hard figuring out Kompozer and not sure what I have to use it for. Is this for my assignments to go on or just to play with. Who knows.

Today in school I started to teach my tech lesson plan. The pre-assesment went well. They caught on. It was awsome. SO then we went down to the computer lab/library to do the on-line portion. I got them all logged on the blackboard after spending the night before setting up the accounts. No problem there either. They actually were all able to log in. It was great. Then they went to the assignment button and down loaded it, no problem. Then they went to the link and then it went down hill. The web site has a Java applet. Well no one tells me that students are not able to down load applets. Well shoot. So here we go, doing it by hand. I was irritated and I told the tech guy to fix it. We will see. No school tomorrow so we will pick it back up on Friday.


Anonymous said...

So did you get another snowday? I'm sure that most teachers in the state did. However, I went in early today. It was just another day of school for us. At least I'm caught up with lessons, grades, etc.

Angela's Space said...

I'm glad everything was going well, until that part. Were you able to get it fixed? I had trouble working with Kompozer so I down loaded Dreamweaver and I am going to experiment with it tonight. Good luck with your assignments!

KB said...

I understand that schools have certain security measures in place for internet use by students. However, it is hard when you or your students are not able to access something. It really puts a wrench in your plans.

I was teaching a reserach paper early in the school year. The students were given two days in the library and two days in the computer lab to locate sources. Well, the topic of the research paper was social problems that impacted them. Things like alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, eating disorders, teenage pregnancy, etc. Well, the students had very little success finding sources that were not blocked when we went to the computer lab. It's frustrating.

I hope your school's tech guy is able to fix it for you.